Want a special and unique way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your loved one?

Want to release tight muscles and open up your body to the one you love?
Schedule a Couples Session in the Alexander Technique for Valentine’s Day

Feeling stressed, tight and overwhelmed interferes with your
relationships by distracting you with bogged down thoughts and pain. When you and your partner (or dear one) unravel stress and tension in an Alexander Technique session with certified Alexander Technique teacher, Sharon Jakubecy Klehm, you feel light, open, relaxed, and HOT!
The physical release of the chest and muscles across the heart release and you feel vulnerable and connected to others.
Here is what one happy client wrote about her couples sessions:
We heartily recommend Sharon’s couples class (semi-private for friends) Alexander Technique. The information and new way of moving your own body is fantastic enough but seeing the immediate, clearly visible, positive changes in someone you love – your partner in life, family member or best friends – adds a whole other dimension. I literally felt myself more powerful and calm and saw that in my fiance too. He looked so strong, powerful, confident and at peace in his body. (guys, be prepared to get pounced on after class…seeing our men look like that has an effect on us!:)
The physical learning was surpassed by the emotional/spiritual experience for me. When your body is in natural alignment energy flows easier allowing you to meet your day with big support. We both realized the Alexander Technique sessions brought us closer and helped us support each other in ways we wouldn’t have otherwise thought of. We remind each other to ‘bend at the knee’ when we walk and it’s at once helpful, shows we’re thinking of the other, and is our in-joke that we share.There are many excellent reasons to choose this experience – gaining understanding of your body and how it can move, increasing energy available to you in your life, new perspectives on physical and emotional experiences, deepening your relationship and a new kind of intimacy with your partner.
Sharon is a wonderful, knowledgeable, fun teacher and a fantastic leader for your Alexander Technique adventure! We each did a package on our own then did a package of couples sessions. Clearly we think she’s fabulous “
Kathy M.
Have a great time!
During your Couples Alexander Technique Session, you and your loved one will:
- Release old painful patterns of tension
- You both experience Stress Relief and Pain Relief
- Calm your nervous system so you both feel Relaxed and Open
- Experience the Joy of breathing free and easy together
- See each other stand tall with great posture and Embody your Full Powerful Height
- Shed physical armoring that closes your body off and blocks your intimacy
- Feel your bodies so you feel sensation
- Experience true Confidence with each other
The Valentine’s Day Special is an hour of lightness and freedom in the body.
Your Valentine’s Special is only $180 (normally $120 for a single private session.)
Surprise your Valentine with this unique and wonderful Alexander Technique session today!